kmb Korea Money Brokerage Corp.

Exchange Rates / Interest Rates

Based on history and pride as a comprehensive financial brokerage firm, we advance into the future by servicing reliable data and stable services to customers.

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USD in Millions

Daily Exchange Rate

Date Transaction Standard Rate Compared to Previous Day Market Price Highest Peak Lowest Peak Closing Price Total Transaction Amount
(USD in Millions)
2024/05/17 1349.4 19.6 1351.6 1358 1351.6 1354.8 697
2024/05/16 1369 1.1 1352.9 1353.6 1345 1346.2 283
2024/05/14 1370.1 2.2 1368.3 1370.3 1368.1 1369 1,676
2024/05/13 1367.9 - 1371.4 1373.1 1367.3 1368 750
2024/05/10 1367.9 3.5 1366.4 1369.5 1366.4 1367.9 1,413
2024/05/09 1364.4 6.6 1365.2 1370.5 1364.9 1370 472
2024/05/08 1357.8 7.4 1361.9 1366.6 1360.7 1365 974
2024/05/07 1365.2 13.3 1356.4 1359.8 1355 1359.8 297
2024/05/03 1378.5 0.5 1368.6 1370.5 1362 1363.3 419
2024/05/02 1378 0.7 1379.5 1382 1375 1375.5 369